The first monolithic integrated circuits were developed in the early 1960’s and comprises a handful of transistors. Some 60 years later, a world without such semi conductor devices is unimaginable. The semiconductor industry is fundamental to delivering new technologies such as those listed above, they are the oil of technological innovation and advancement. And like oil, semiconductors have geopolitical considerations, especially in relation to protecting and licensing Intellectual Property.
The demand for semiconductors is insatiable. The global semiconductor market is currently estimated to be worth more than $510bn. But in just 5 years, by 2029, that is expected to more than double to well over $1tn.
The thirst for ever smaller, yet more powerful and energy-efficient electronic devices is seemingly voracious. Following years of advances and innovations in lithography, the limits of existing silicon technology are being reached.
Alternatives to silicon are being explored, with material science innovation in areas such as cubic boron arsenide and graphene, gallium nitride, silicon carbide, and gallium oxide.
The development of integrated circuits that use a compound semiconductor (such as gallium arsenide) is progressing at pace, offering more efficient energy consumption, the ability to better manage heat dissipation, and being capable of stable function at high temperatures and electrical current. Such ‘compound chips’ are especially relevant to electric vehicles and 5G networks, where high energy efficiency is needed.
Production and supply to meet the significant global demand is a key consideration, outside of any geopolitical issues. Whilst innovation of the chip itself is a given in this space, how the chip is made, the manufacturing environment, equipment, and the extensive supply chain that sits behind production is also one seeing continual creation of Intellectual Property. Specialist pumps, manufacturing systems, and techniques are all areas requiring specialist IP support.
The pace of innovation has never been so fast; the levels of research and development investment are vast. Successfully navigating the changing face of regulatory compliance, protecting the hard-earned innovation, and optimising the significant investment is paramount.
How we help
The team here at Openshaw & Co. fully understand the pressures and challenges our clients face. We also have a clear appreciation of the possibilities for the future.
Our team of Patent Attorneys has considerable experience in semiconductor device development, including the patenting of manufacture, testing, and application of such devices. With a thorough knowledge and understanding of the field and working alongside our clients and their inventors, we provide guidance, create defendable IP strategies, and deliver robust patents.
We offer tailored advice, guidance, and support on all aspects of Semiconductors & Computing Intellectual Property.
With a deep understanding of each of our client’s innovations and commercial needs, we formulate effective strategies to obtain, protect and defend their Intellectual Property.